
Hubei Tianmen textile machinery co., Ltd.

About us

Hubei Tianmen textile machinery co., Ltd.

Hubei Tianmen textile machinery co., Ltd.is a national high-tech enterprise,having decades of history and culture on draw frame development and manufacturing, and known as the of “Draw frame expert” among Chinese cotton spinning equipment manufacturers.

The main products of Tianmen company are two major series FA and TMFD drawing frames under “crane” brand, with original designs and complete intellectual property rights and many national patents, including FA305、FA317A、TMFD81(S)、TMFD81L、TMFD83、TMFD81(φ600)、TMFD101L different models and specifications, which can fulfill various requirements and applications of users.

Company has focused on textile machinery development and manufacturing. Through the continuous reform and renovation in the past years, company has realized CNC for processing equipment, digital technology for products and IT for enterprise management. Company has been nominated by relevant government departments and professional institutions as “Enterprise technology center in Hubei province”, “China textile machinery industry drawing frame R & D center”, “National textile new drawing frame technology R & D center”, and has won the titles and many honors of “Good faith tax payment enterprise in Hubei province”, “Hubei province abiding contract and reliable enterprise”, “Top hundred best growth companies in Hubei province”, “The most driving force leading private enterprises in Hubei province”, and “Excellent industry enterprise of Hubei province”. Its products of drawing frame series has been rewarded as “High quality products in Hubei province”, “National new key product” and “The most influential textile products in founding of the 60 years of China”. In recent years, the company has been listed in front line of the most competitive 500 enterprises in China textile machinery and clothing industry.

Never have stops and end in technology development, Hubei Tianmen Textile Machinery Co., Ltd takes the latest state of the art technology and widely absorb the advantages of others, “Tianhe” brand drawing frame shows great popular because of its always one step ahead technology.

Tianmen Draw Frame and expertise will bring you a bridge to success!



东源县| 微山县| 安国市| 孝义市| 丹阳市| 镇安县| 航空| 苍溪县| 牙克石市| 儋州市| 元江| 寿光市| 大兴区| 吉木萨尔县| 石林| 阳曲县| 天柱县| 新兴县| 开原市| 北海市| 石阡县| 晋州市| 安阳县| 江都市| 麻城市| 常州市| 库伦旗| 张掖市| 江孜县| 永修县| 道孚县| 金沙县| 龙泉市| 普兰县| 梧州市| 济宁市| 东城区| 高平市| 方城县| 旬阳县| 屏山县|